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Painting Wellness is a Creative Workshop and Initiative that reflects community partnership and individuals through mental development and Visual Arts. Structured with 3 pillars of Healing, Art & Empowerment, we strive to create space for creative freedom from our everyday trials and cultivate like mind partnership. Our mission is to reconnect our community with themselves and their creativity to evoke healed leadership and mental health. 


Co-Founders Erica Appleby & Joanah Whitely  are Miami Based visual artists, that strive to enrich the community with both their talents and grand vision to give back.Through their art they have always used their voices and canvases as a platform to empower women, speak on social issues and celebrate the female imagery. 
In early 2018 the ladies teamed up to create a workshop that connected them and their clients back to ones child like self. By combining their two loves wellness and visual art, giving clients the opportunity to reclaim the strength within themselves.  Allowing them to create fundamental improvements to many aspects of their lives and wanting the same for others. 

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We have been Air BNB Partners since February 2018 and honored to work with clients from all over the world. Singapore, Poland, Mexico, and United States


STATS: 4.82 Rating 

205 Weekly Views

We were also Published in Airbnb Magazines Winter 2018 Issue 

Listed as "Top 10 Miami Experiences to watch"

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